Apr 15, 2011

A Website to Prove its Strength: "Tohoku Never Gives In"

A month has gone. Relief has been continuing to support the survivors. Meanwhile, the aftershocks still remain, though less frequent, and it have become a matter of endurance. So, let’s admit: A long-term fight needs sustainable support!

The sustainable support can only come from what we could do on our individual level. So, here is what a design company has created, a website where people share ideas on how they continue supporting.

Click to Link

Tohoku-wa-Makenai (“Tohoku Never Give In”) has been created by designers in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. The objective is, says Mr. Tamura on the site, to record the before-and-after images of recovery of Tohoku people. The pictures of smiles and messages on the boards will be once again collected and published a year later, March 11th, 2012. Tohoku people will retain its strength; this site will become a proof that “Tohoku Never Gives in.” even to the largest disaster in the history of Japan!

This simple website organizes important messages. People in major cities around Tohoku share encouragement and determination on how to continue helping for the Tohoku recovery.

Many contributors are individuals and owners of small businesses. Their pictures are posted with the names, contact information, and how they continue to support on their personal level (e.g. donation box, sending supplies, having charity events, even smiles).

“Our properties are gone, but we are surviving” -- Survivors send out messages to other areas. Meanwhile, the people in less-affected cities (Like Akita City) stand aside: “Together we get through this. Let’s keep it up.”

Although this website is meant to encourage one another, it also serves as a reminder for the contributors to keep up their own spirits to proove “Tohoku Never Give in”.


Akita's Playing Cards Donated to the Sheltered Families

Daifugo Toranpu is a deck of playing cards specifically designed to play Daifugo (The Grand Millionaire) with humorous illustrations of Akita’s local specialty.

Since its debut in September 2010, the card has been sold at locations in Akita Prefecture only. But, earlier this week, the company started providing it to the evacuees from the other Prefectures as well, Akita Keizai Shinbun reported.

Daifugo Toranpu (Photo/Akita Keizai Shinbun)

The company had made this decision, considering that, after the 1995 earthquake in Kobe, many people enjoyed playing cards at the evacuation site and also that playing cards are seen on lists of requested relief items at some evacuation sites. “Living at shelters must be tiring both mentally and physically, so we hope that people can feel at ease while playing with the Akita cards.”

The cards are donated to the families including a member under high school. At this point, it is available for the families sheltered in Akita Prefecture only, but the company has been considering shipments to those in other prefectures as well.

The cards are provided through a family support network in Akita City. For more information, please inquire Daifugo Kenkyu-jo (大富豪研究所;TEL 080-1848-5549).

Apr 14, 2011

Become a Grand Millionaire – At Least in a Card Game !

Daifugo (“The Grand Millionaire”) is a popular Japanese card game, whose basic concept and rules are similar to The Great Dalmuti or President in the Western culture.

In the basic rules, your objective is to get rid of your cards by placing a stronger one than that of your previous player. Joker is the strongest after two and three is the weakest. When a revolution is erupted by placing four cards of the same number (Jokers could be substitute to make up a full set. e.g. 3 Kings and 1 Joker), three becomes the strongest after jokers and two becomes the weakest.

This game is common in all over Japan; it could also be called “Daihinmin” (The Poorest) or played on different rules. So, why could not the cards be designed specifially for playing Daifugo while reflecting the regional culture?

Daifugo Toranpu (大富豪トランプ)by Daifugo-kenkyujo

These unique cards have been much talked-about in the local area. It was designed by a design company in Akita City, Daifugo-kenkyujo (Lit, “Daifugo Research Institute”). The product has been featured in newspapers and TV shows for its humorous concept. It is now available at 25 locations in Akita Prefecture. Within  a few months after its debut in last September, the company have sold more than 1,000 sets – a big commercial success for a deck of cards!

Let’s Become a Grand Milionaire!

According to Excited News, designers has previously (in 2006) produced a localized version of Monopoly, Akita version of Monopoly. The creaters were inspired by the idea that Monopoly is said to have developed in the midst of the Great Depression in 1920s America. The unemployed youngsters came up with its concept by wishing to get rich - if not in reality, at least in the virtual card game. Today our Japanese economy is suffering again, but we could at least feel rich while playing this game.” (Excite News)

Akita's Local Specialties featured in the Playing Cards
Akita Featured in the Cards:

Many local specialties from Akita Prefecture are humorously featured in the cards: Hinai-jidori Chicken in place of Hearts, Akita-sugi (Cedar) in Spades, Akita Rice in Diamonds, and Akita-fuki (Butterbur) in Clubs. The face has illustrations of Namahage and Akita Dogs. The card with number 8 (which plays a key role) strikes you with Akita’s #1 standout, Kiritanpo!

Fun and Good to Play With:

The cards were not designed only for the fun to play. The designers spent a year on painstaking trials to test  its quality and functionality. The company organizes monthly tournament events for community members. The company comments: “Most participants are adults in between 20s and 40s. They are strangers at first meet there for the first time, but they all have a blast as if it brings back their childhood again. Playing a game is a good way to remember the importance of communication.”

Daifugo Toranpu (大富豪トランプ)is sold for 1,050 yen at 25 locations in Akita Prefecture.
Find more information from the link below!

Apr 13, 2011

Hitomi Komatsu and Her Exhibition on Cherry Blossoms

The beautiful pictures below are by Hitomi Komatsu (小松ひとみ), a photographer from Semboku City, whose works have been used in Semboku City and Akita Prefecture guide maps and pamphlets. Her delicate but dramatic images are capturing, so that many people are fans of her works.

Komatsu’s Exhibition on Her Passion, Cherry Blossoms:

Although Komatsu has her headquarter in Kakunodate Town, Semboku City, she has been capturing images from all over Akita Prefecture. We found an article on Akita Keizai Shinbun about Komatsu’s most recent exhibition called “Sakura Aise” (桜 逢瀬).

Hitomi Komatsu at her exhibition in Akita City, Sakura Aise. (Photo/Akita Keizai Shinbun)

It was an occasion to see her summarized works over the past 10 years, in which the visitors could clearly see her devoted enthusiasm to cherry blossoms – this is the reason why she calls herself “Sakura-Kurui," or Cherry Blossoms Freak.

63 works were displayed, including imageries captured in Okayama, Fukushima, and Kakunodate. There was a new series of 6 panorama pictures displayed in a style of byobu, Japanese folding screens. “All the works are used in silver halide films. I feel personal attachments to every one of the trees,” Komatsu comments.

Her previous works have been mainly themed in scenery of four seasons and flowers in Northern Tohoku region. “The cherry blossoms bloom beautifully, all thanks to the care by Sakuramori* from all over in Japan. I hope this exhibition would make visitors even more appreciative for cherry blossoms, which has loaded with much loving care,” says Komatsu.

(*桜守; a traditional term for people who take a great care of cherry blossoms trees on a belief that it has to be protected and passed on to the next generation.)

Where to see Komatsu’s Works:

Unfortunately, "Sakura Aise" ended in Akita City by April 4, but it will travel to Kakunodate, Sendai, Tokyo, and Sapporo.

Also: a very similar exhibition will be held at her hometown gallery/café, Pukapukan, from April 22nd to May 5th. This place is only a few minutes walk from the famous cherry blossom tunnel along the Hinokinai River. It would be a perfect spot to stop by and relax to have the best your hanami visit!

See on Google Map : http://goo.gl/maps/pW3c

Local Trains for Best Hanami Destinations in Northern Tohoku!

Akita Nairiku Jukan Railway (秋田内陸縦貫鉄道) operates a longitudinal railway line that connects from Takanosu in the northern Akita and Kakunodate to the south. The railway company had minimized its business operation due to the earthquake, but it is finally going to be back on the regular schedule later this month.

Nairiku-sen in Spring

Late April to early May is the flowery season in the northern Tohoku region. Kakunodate Town in Semboku City is, needless to say, one of the best cherry blossoms viewing areas of Japan, which is enjoyed around the same time as another famous hanami destination in Aomori Prefecture – Hirosaki Castle Park. The train will be connected between those two destinations - with extended line in corporation with Japan Railway- and make it more accessible for the hanami tourists.

"Nairiku-sen" goes through Nishiki Area, which is where the beautiful Katakuri flowers are seen. The schedule during this period has been adjusted, so that the train will stop at the nearby station, Yatsu, offering you a chance to enjoy a pleasurable walk.

(急行もりよし号; Express Moriyoshi Train) 

Will resume its regular operation from April 23; except until April 30, the train will make a stop at Yatsu Station and leaves at the following time:


Kyuko-moriyoshi 1-go (from Ani-ai Station to Kakunodate Station) at 10:29

Kyuko-moriyoshi 3-go (from Takanosu Station to Kakunodate Station) at 15:56


Kyuko-boriyoshi 2-go (From Kakunodate Station to Takanosu Station) at 11:26

◎「急行もりよし号」 4 月23日から運転再開

下記の時刻で八津駅に臨時停車いたします。(4 月23 日から4 月30 日臨時停車)

下り 急行もりよし1 号 阿仁合発角館行 八津駅 10:29発

急行もりよし3 号 鷹巣発角館行 八津駅 15:56発

上り 急行もりよし2 号 角館発鷹巣行 八津駅 11:26発

(弘前お城とさくら号;”A Train for Castle and Cherry Blossoms in Hirosaki”)

The number of trains is increased on April 22, 23, 28, and till May 4th.

Departing from Kakunodate Station at 14:20 – Saimyoji 14:28 – Yatsu 14:33 – Matsuba 14:42 – Kami-hinokinai 14:52 – Ani-matagi 15:08 – Hitachinai 15:19 – Aniai 15:45 – Ani-maeda 15:57 – Yonaizawa 16:11 – Aikawa 16:20 – Takanosu 17:11 – Arrives at Hirosaki 18:18

◎「弘前お城とさくら号」 4 月22日、23 日、28日から5 月4日まで増発




(角館武家屋敷とさくら号;”A train for Samurai Houses and Cherry Blossoms in Kakundoate”)

The number of trains is increased on April 23, 23, 29 and till May 5th.

Departing from Hirosaki Station at 8:00 – Takanosu 9:32 – Aikawa 9:45 – Yonaizawa 9:51 – Ani-maeda 10:06 – Aniai 10:29 – Hitachinai 10:46 – Ani-matagi 10:53 – Kami-hinokinai 11:08 – Matsuba 11:16 – Yatsu 11:25 – Saimyoji 11:30 – Arrives at Kakunodate at 11:37.

(On JR lines, the train will stop at Odate, Ikarigaseki, and Owani Stations.)

◎「角館武家屋敷とさくら号」 4 月23日、24日、29日から5 月5日まで増発




※ どちらもJR 線内は大館・碇ヶ関・大鰐温泉に停車

For More Information:
Akita Nairiku Jukan Tetsudo Railway Company
TEL 0186-82-3231

Apr 12, 2011

Sakura Beer for Your Cherry Blossoms Viewing

Hanami  (花見), cherry blossoms viewing, always accompany with food and Sake. So, for your choice of rice wine, we recommend Sakura Hirahira, light pink Sake specially brewed using Sakura-colored Koji by Hideyoshi, one of the oldest Sake breweries of Japan.

So what about BEER under the cherry blossoms? Take  Sakura Beer!

Sakura Beer is produced using the wild-yeast extracted from cherry blossoms petals, which gives reddish brown color and the distinctive flowery aroma. The bitterness is mild and easy to drink.

Tazawako Beer brews excellent quality craft beer of Japan. They brew regular types of beers like altbier, kolsch, dark lager, and pilsener. Also, they brew other special craft beers like W chocolate bock around Valentine’s Day.

(No photos here, but just look for the label at the restaurant shop.)

Tazawako Beer Restaurant is located adjacent to Warabi-za Theater in Tazawako Art Village. It would be a perfect place to ease your thirst and hunger after watching a performance at the theater. Tazawako Beer Restaurant serve western-style dishes like pasta, pizza, hamburgs, etc., while the next building is Bakkya, where traditional Akita cuisines are served.

Tazawako Beer has been reopening since April 9th. Until April 22nd, the business is open only during the lunch time (11a.m. to 14 p.m.), and after April 23rd, it will be on the regular business hours as in 11 a.m. to 21p.m.

Tazawako Beer is also a member of Japan Craft Beer Association (JCBA) and have been accepting donations for the earthquake/disaster victims through a link on the website.

Kakunodate Town's Bukeyashiki-dori  is one of the viewing spots of Semboku City!

Apr 11, 2011

Sakura Hirahira: Pink Nigori Sake to Enjoy Under the Cherry Blossoms!

In Akita, sakura weeks are only a few weekends away. Hanami is a traditional custom, in which basically we gather under the cherry blossom trees to celebrate the arrival of spring; but we cannot fail to mention here that is closely associated with great food and Sake! Remember, they are the best thing Tohoku offers and it could be a way to help out the Tohoku!  

Kakunodate Town's Famous Cherry Blossom Tunnels along the Hinokinai River

So here is one really great recommendation of Sake for you to take!

Hideyoshi's Sakura Hirahira

Suzuki Shuzo-ten (鈴木酒造店) is a brewery of Hideyoshi (秀よし), one of the most representative sake brands of Akita Prefecture. On April 5th, it has released “Sakura Hirahira” (桜ひらひら), a brand-new seasonal nigori-zake inspired by petals of cherry blossoms. The rice wine has alcoholic content of 8% and a distinctive tart-sweetness and lightness in the flavor.

Why Is It Pink? How to Enjoy It at Best?

Sakura Hirahira is a junmai-nama-chozo-shu (純米生貯蔵酒), which is basically a type of bottled Sake made of only rice and koji (steamed rice with koji-kin mold which gives sake yeast) that has been pasteurized once after reaching maturation stage. The characteristic light pink color comes from “Momoiro Nigori Kobo” (桃色にごり酵母;Lit, “Pink Nigori Koji”) that was produced by Nihon Jozo Kyokai (Brewing Society of Japan).

The “nama” (;raw) variety have fresh flavor and are best served cooled. In Akita the cherry blossoms week will begin in late April. This sake will be a perfect match with your dishes under the cherry blossoms. Sakura Hirahira will be shipped out and become available at local liquor shops later this month. The brewer hopes it will inspire and invite new customers to the sake culture.

How to Find Your Bottle:

A 300ml bottle will be sold for 500 yen. Only 1,500 bottles will be available this starting year. In Tazawako Area, you can find it at Tazawako Ichi (田沢湖いち) and Hanadate Shoten (花館商店)in front of JR Tazawako Station as well as Lawson on route 46.

For more information, call Hideyoshi’s Suzuki Shuzoten (鈴木酒造店 TEL 0187-56-2121).

Reference: Sakigake On-the-web /Suzuki Shuzo-ten

"ATERUI" Opens with a Promise to Encourage the Tohoku

ATERUI, a new production of Warabi-za Theater Company, has just opened yesterday April 10 at its home theater, Warabi-za Theater in Semboku City. The play has been produced to commemorate the company’s 60th anniversary. The final rehearsal was held on the day before, at which the casts and staffs showed an enthusiastic stage performance before the media reporters, a local newspaper reported.

The original novel by Katsuhiko Takahashi, Hion Kita-no-yousei Aterui (火怨 北の燿星アテルイ; literally, “Aterui, the Shining Star in the North”) portrays the 8-9th century hero, Aterui, who fought to protect the emishi people (Tohoku’s indeginous people) from the conquerors of the Japanese central government led by a commander, Sakanoue-Tamuramaro, who is depicted in this novel as a childhood friend of Aterui.

Warabi-za’s Takao Nakamura (中村哮夫, age 79) comments, “The way how the emishi people contends against the conquerors overlaps with the strive of Tohoku people in the current catastrophic situation.” Miro Ebisumoto (戎本みろ, age 41), who plays Aterui, adds, “we believe this play gives courage to the victims in the disaster.”

ATERUI has opened on April 10 and continues till May 4; after a brief interval due to the national tour, it will return to the home theater on July 26th and played till August 16th. For more information, please call Warabi-za Telephone 0187-44-3939.

ATERUI (Photo/Warabi-za)