Oct 3, 2011

Try some Akita's Gourmet for Lower Prices at Lake Tazawa (Oct. 8)

Kyoei Paresu, a souvenir shop at Lake Tazawa, invites you to a food event on October 8th. The festival will offer you some of Akita’s delicious specialties like Jindai Curry, Miso Tanpo, Kiritanpo Nabe, Inaniwa Udon, Babahera Icecream, and many others, for cheaper prices. Kyoei Paresu is a restaurant where the popular wide rice noodle, Tazawako B-men, has been invented; of course, it will be available – this time served with some curry and only for 100 Yen.

It is a great chance for you to try the dishes all at the same time! Please stop by!

Gourmet Event

at Kyoei Paresu Backyard
October 8th, 2011. At 11:00 – 15:00

Yokote Yakisoba(横手やきそば) 400 Yen

Jindai Curry (神代カレー)500 Yen

Tazawako B-men with Curry (田沢湖B麺カレー味)100 Yen

Inaniwa Udon (稲庭うどん)100 Yen

Babahera Icecream (ババヘラアイス) 200 Yen

Kiritanpo Nabe (きりたんぽ鍋) 200 Yen

Hinai-Jidori Yakitori (Broiled Local Chicken of Hinai) 比内地鶏の焼き鳥300Yen

Hachimantai Pork and Mushroom Soup (八幡平ポークときのこ汁)100 Yen

Fried Sandfish (ハタハタのから揚げ)200 Yen

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