Nov 16, 2011

Jindai Curry For Souvenirs? Take This Package and Crackers!

Jindai Curry has been gaining popularity nationwide! You can taste the dish at several restaurants around Semboku City (see the map) or at events such as the Annual B-1 Gourmet Grand Prix and their sponsoring Akita Northern Happinets home games!

Jindai Curry

If you’d like to take the flavor to your home country as a souvenir, you can take this package, Akita Jindai Curry, which contains two servings of both two curries, old style and modern style. You can find it at places like Tazawako Hotel Ischia shop.

Akita Jindai Curry (2 Servings; 945 Yen)

Another option you would enjoy is Jindai Curry Okaki (神代カレーおかき)! These rice crackers (“okaki”) of two flavors, designed by Omagari High School students, absolutely retain the essence of Jindai Curry’s flavor! The crispy texture is addictive as well!

Jindai Curry Okaki (230Yen)

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