Sep 30, 2010

A Quick Bite: Crispy Noodles To-Go

Menkoi-Komachi (麺恋こまち)is another rice product from Semboku City!

Menkoi-Komachi (麺恋こまち)

Semboku City community is making a great effort to invent new rice dishes such as Jindai Curry (あいがけ神代カレー) and Tazawako B-men (田沢湖B麺)! Here is another one!

Stir-fried veggies and meat in thick ankake sauce is served over deep-fried thin rice vermicelli! It is sold in a to-go package— the crispy noodles and saucy veggies are individually wrapped. Available as both to-go and here order.

Pour the "an" over the crispy noodle!

komatsuna (Japanese turnip), eringi (Japanese Oyster Mushroom), 
carrot, ginger, dried shrimp, and chicken.
Garnished with a slice of lemon.

Having been introduced by the City earlier this year, Menkoi-Komachi has been popular for its catchy naming and the price—only 250 yen Menkoi means "adorable" in Akita dialect, written with double meanings of noodles (麺)and love (恋). The name, along with the calligraphy on the package, was created by the students of Kakundoate Minami High School. The recipe was developed by local chef.

Menkoi-Komachi (麺恋こまち)can be purchased at:
Tazawako Ichi  (田沢湖市)
Tazawako Heart Herb (田沢湖ハートハーブ)
Arupa Komakusa (アルパこまくさ)
Murakko Bussankan (むらっこ物産館)
Kayokan (花葉館)

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