Oct 27, 2011

Autumn View of Kata Bunko, Former Elementary School Building Near Lake Tazawa

The Foliages are now at its peak at Dakigaeri Gorge and near Lake Tazawa. If you are taking a bicycle ride around Lake Tazawa, Kata Bunko is a place you must stop by - especially now that the front tree is in beautiful, bright red!

The school building is, as we have introduced before, used to serve as a branch of Obonai Elementary School. As the number of children declined and the transportation was improved decades ago, schooling here has shut down so that the pupils in the area now attends to Obonai Elementary School near JR Tazawako Station.

Anyway, the school is known as a nostalgic atmosphere where you can time-travel back to your childhood! We can't stress enough how important this place is - this building has been visited by many people and serving as a community gathering place as well!

The building stands about 10 munites away from the lake shore. The bicycle roads are available to access there, and runs through anthentic rural scenery - houses with thatched roofs, rice paddies, etc.

Once you visit there, you would understand why this place is often exemplified as a symbol of preservance of regional and cultural building.

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