May 27, 2011

Access and Bus Schedule to Akita Komagatake (2011)

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① One-Way Fare to the 8th Station:

From JR Tazawako Station : 1,000 yen

From Tazawako-han (at Lake Tazawa) : 910 yen

From Tazawako Kogen Onsen (Plateau Onsen Area) : 600 yen

②  Komagatake-sen Bus Schedule:

The buses are available only on the days shown in pink above. Those are the days when private vehicles are not allowed to access to the 8th Station (“Hachigome”) It is every Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays between June 1st to October 31st as well as the weekdays between June 21st and August 19th, 2011.

The bus service may become suspended due to the weather condition.

◎ Not operated on Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays in October.

★ Operated on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays in October.

The names of the bus stops are as follows:

 (From left)

 Tazawako-eki-mae 田沢湖駅前

 Tazawakohan 田沢湖畔発

 Kogen Onsen 高原温泉

 Arupa Komakusa アルパこまくさ

 Kogen Onsen 高原温泉

 Komagatake Hachigome 駒ケ岳八合目

③ Komagatake Flowers Calender

The chart shows when the flowers are predicted to bloom. The

(From top)

Shirane-Aoi シラネアオイ

Komakusa コマクサ

Miyama Daikonsou ミヤマダイコンソウ

Miyama Kinbai ミヤマキンバイ

Minezuou ミネズオウ

Chinguruma チングルマ

Benibanaichigo メニバナイチゴ

Ezotsutsuji エゾツツジ

Miyama Usuyukisou ミヤマウスユキソウ

Nikkoukisuge ニッコウキスゲ

Kobaikeisou コバイケイソウ

Miyamarindou ミヤマリンドウ

Ezo-Oyama-Rindou エゾオヤマリンドウ

(From left to right at the top)

June, July, August, and September.


Obonai Kanko Hire : TEL 0187-43-1221

Tazawako Kanko Taxi : TEL 0187-43-1331

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