Feb 22, 2011

Kakunodate's New Year Festival: Hiburi-Kamakura

Hiburi Kamakura (火振りかまくら)is a traditional New Year’s event held in Kakunodate area, which has been held to wish gokoku-hojo (五穀豊穣; “prosperity of five grains”), mubyo-sokusai (無病息災; “avoidance of diseases”), and kanai-anzen (家内安全; “family safety”).

Hiburi-kamakura in Kakunodate Town

The event starts with making a fire with firewoods in a snow fort. There is also a Shinto ceremony to burn the New Year’s decorations like shimekazari and daruma, to wish the safety on the year.

The featuring event, hiburi is in which people light a tenpitsu(天筆)a bundle of rice ears and swing around the body. The fire rings are bright and illuminates the snow-covered park. Very beautiful!

Hiburi Kamakura is held on February 13th and 14th. On the 13th the event is held in Sakura-namiki chushajo (parking area) on the Hinokinai River. The park is illuminated with candles and surrounded by food tents. On the 14th, it is held in different locations in town.

For more information, please inquire Kakunodate Tourist Information Center.


lina said...

Wow! So cool!

Tazawako Tourism Association said...

Thank you :)