Oct 28, 2010

4-U Pass for Easier Access FOR YOU

JR Pass is a convenient and affordable pass for long-distance travelers, which allows unlimited rides on certain Japan Railway trains; however, it is valid only on the JR trains and buses and does not include transportation by other company.

4-U PASS (4遊パス)is a 2-day ticket that allows you to take the public transportation more affordable than usual. This discount ticket is valid in 4 areas: Tazawako, Nishiki, Kakundoate, and Ani (north of Semboku City). This means it allows you to (except for regular taxi) unlimited rides on different types of transportation.

A ticket will accompany with a booklet full of local tourists information with exclusive discounts. It is most convenient if you are staying a night in Tazawako and wondering how to get around with a better deal on transportation (minus the hustle on paying the correct fee).


JR Kakunodate Station
=== (Bus/150 yen) === Bukeyashiki Area
=== (Bus/150 yen) === JR Tazawako Station
=== (Akita Inland Longitudinal Railroad/460 yen) === Matsuba Station
===(Noriai-taxi / 1,000 yen) === Statue of Tatsuko
=== (yuransen pleasure boat/790 yen) === Tazawako-han/Shirahama Area
=== (Bus/350 yen) === JR Tazawako Station.

Regular Price for Adult: 3,400yen   
With 4-U PASS: 2,100 yen !


2,100 yen (adult)
1,050 yen (age 5-12)
FREE for children under kindergarten.

September 30th, 2010 – March 30th, 2010.
*Available 10 days prior to the arrival.

1.  Akita Nairiku Jukan Tetsudo 秋田内陸縦貫鉄道(Akita Inland Longitudinal Railway, or “Nairikusen”): Between Kakunodate Station (角館駅)and Ani-Matagi Station.(阿仁またぎ駅)

2.  Ugo-kotsu Bus Company 羽後交通バス株式会社:
Between JR Tazawako Station (田沢湖駅)and Tazawako-han/Shirahama Area(田沢湖畔・白浜地区)
JR Kakunodate Station (角館駅)and Bukeyashiki Area (武家屋敷通り)
Tazawako-isshu Line (田沢湖一周線)

3. Noriai-Taxi Service 乗合いタクシーBetween Nairiku-sen Matsuba Station (内陸線松葉駅)and Statue of Tatsuko (たつこ像)or Shirahama Area.(白浜地区)*Reservation Required.

4. Yuran-sen, Pleasure Boat, 田沢湖観光遊覧船: Between Statue of Tatsuko (たつこ像)and Katajiri (潟尻)


Note: the ticket and coupon book is available only in Japanese—this service has just been initiated earlier this month, so that we do not know if or when there will be foreign-language version of the materials; however, you can easily get around with it and get the deal.

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