Mar 10, 2011

Sakana-kun Lectures on Kunimasu in the Fish's Hometown!

Last weekend Tazawako welcomed very special guest! Sakana-kun!

Sakanakun's Lecture at Semboku City Munincipal Auditorium

Sakana-kun (さかなクン) is a popular TV talent and a marine-biologist who has contributed to the discovery of kunimasu, fish that was endemic species to Lake Tazawa that had been considered to be extinct for 70 years. In January, a group from Semboku City officials visited Lake Saiko, the site of discovery, to meet Sakana-kun and the concerned persons in the community.

The main purpose of Sakana-kun’s visit last week was to make a lecture on kunimasu in its hometown. The venue was packed with a thousand guests from in and out of Akita Prefecture. There were even lines of people waiting outside for canceled seats!

Sakana-kun delivered his lecture to appeal the environmental sustainability by speaking humorously with his characteristic illustrations: “More fish can be seen in an excellent natural environment. Let us appreciate the life in nature. Do not waste food on your plate, so you can also save water for dish-washing.”

Sakana-kun was requested by Mr. Nakabou, a Kyoto University professor, to make an illustration of kunimasu based on its old specimen. To get a better image, he requested some of himemasu, relative species to kunimasu. He recalled that “the package was too small to contain himemasu.” In the box, instead, he found some black shiny fish that looked exactly like what kunimasu would look like. He exclaimed with excitement and showed his signature pose, which brought out laugher in the audience.

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