Jun 21, 2011

A Picture Book Reading Caravan Is Coming To Town.

Hon-to-Asobo Zenkoku Homon Ohanashitai (本とあそぼう全国訪問おはなし隊), a picture book reading caravan will come to Semboku City!

The group is a campaign by Kodansha which tours in a mobile caravan around the country and read picture books to children aged between 2 to 8. In each prefecture, they stop at about 50 locations such as nursery schools, kindergartens, and elementary schools as well as libraries and book stores.

(To give you an idea, here is a video of their previous event in Nigata Prefecture.)

There are mainly two features in this caravan event: o-hanashikai (おはなし会)and a mobile library. O-hanashi-kai is a 30 min storytelling session, in which staffs and volunteers read picture books aloud or have a kamishibai (literally meaning “paper-theater,” a traditional Japanese storytelling by flipping illustrated boards). The caravan also features a mobile library with a great selection of picture books.

Image from

The caravan will come to town on Saturday, July 9th at Gakushu-shiryokan in front of the Nishinomiya residence in Kakunodate Town, Semboku City. The event is FREE to participate!

Also, since the April event, the caravan is giving away a mini picture book called Dare-Dare-Dareda!


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